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Simply Sourdough Starter


Heirloom Style Freeze Dried Culture for Baking Sourdough BreadPerfect for

Pancakes, Biscuits, Pretzels, & More

Non-GMO Prebiotic Artisan Bread\

Ready in 2 Days

UPC 792105950198

BEGINNER FRIENDLY: Sourdough is an excellent choice for bakers of all skill levels, from beginners to experts. The dehydrated starter used to create a sourdough loaf is incredibly forgiving and easy to work with, giving even novice bakers the confidence and opportunity to learn how to feed, maintain, and use their starter before they move on to actually baking. Plus, the flavor of sourdough bread is absolutely delicious! You won’t be disappointed with the results.

VERSATILE: With this starter, you can expand your baking repertoire and make a variety of delicious treats. Not only does it provide the perfect texture for bread, but it also can be used to craft mouth-watering pizza dough, muffins, pancakes, pasta, banana bread, cakes, and more. Each recipe requires just a few simple ingredients and basic techniques, so it’s easy to get started. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced baker, this starter is the perfect way to make tasty recipes every time.

HEIRLOOM STYLE: The loaves of bread you can create with our heirloom sourdough starter are nothing short of delectable. This starter, when cared for properly, can last indefinitely and provide limitless opportunities to bake delicious bread on a regular basis. It’s easy to use and requires simple maintenance that pays off in amazing flavor.

HEALTHY: Preparing dough with a starter blend of bacteria and yeast can provide an array of health benefits for those who frequently make and eat homemade bread.